Saturday, 16 November 2019

Rated by Melissa Grey

Imagine a society in which everything you do has a positive or negative rating. Wait a moment!. We already live in that society, in fact, this very website is about liking and unliking.
But, what if all our future depended on these ratings? The novel shows a world where your whole life is determined by an unfair rating system. A school where pupils are constantly being watched and pushed to obtain higher ratings.
Most readers will probably relate to at least one character. They are teens whose lives are far from being perfect and who unwillingly embark on a quest to solve a riddle.
I liked the novel and truth to be told all the characters, but I wish it had been longer. In my opinion, it ends quickly and I found it lacking in world-building.
All in all, I recommend it to fans of YA dystopian novels.

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