Sunday, 9 March 2014

Six things that bother me about Women's Day

Now that Women's Day is finally over, I can speak my mind and write what makes me dislike it:

1- It is not EVERY  DAY of the year.

2- It is not every single day of the year and it is not called PEOPLE'S DAY.

3- We always hear or read stories about the bad things that are happening to some women around the world with photographs of suffering females . We hardly see pictures of WHO caused that suffering. Women are labelled as victims and we see no perpetrators.

4- We always hear or read stories of women who have broken the glass ceiling and have become powerful LIKE MEN, ruthless politicians and unfairly rich entrepreneurs .

5-  On the news we see that some men may , just may, make an effort that day and do some household chores  or finally accept their responsibility as fathers and we may even see pictures of them or comments about it, just like they had ACCOMPLISHED A FEAT.  We see no pictures of men who do it on a daily basis and women who don't.

6- Women's suffering is very often believed to be because of  MEN hurting WOMEN and that is not always the case, sometimes unbelievably and unfortunately it  is also WOMEN hurting other WOMEN.

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