Saturday, 13 February 2021

Words on Bathroom Walls by Julia Walton: review

Words on Bathroom Walls I started this book with very high expectations after having read Just Our Luck.
The story is quite sad and I felt an impending sense of doom throughout the novel. There were also some facts and details about the main character's mental health situation that I found unbelievable.
I expected a very well researched account of the ups and downs in the life of a young boy with paranoid schizophrenia and I found out later that the author had just consulted two doctors but no actual people with this disease.
Since I am no expert in the matter, I searched online and found this enlightening video which although I must say is mainly about the film, gives very revealing explanations.
IMHO the most positive aspect of the novel is the fact that it makes readers see that people with this condition are just like people with any other medical condition, they struggle with the situation and try to do their best to get better.

Monday, 8 February 2021

Just Our Luck by Julia Walton : opinion.

Just Our Luck What a delightful book!
As a clumsy fan of Yoga with Adriene, I adored the beginning of the chapters with yoga poses.
Leo, a teenager who suffers from anxiety, is a great example of how to normalize this situation and learn to live with it. The book is fun, witty and insightful. I also found the references to Greek culture really interesting and made me wish to visit that country. I even thought of learning how to knit!

A must-read for teenagers and young adults who are going through a rough patch.

Friday, 5 February 2021

Belleza Roja por Arantza Portabales

Belleza roja Una historia terrible: una adolescente de quince años degollada en su propia casa. Seis sospechosos, todos ellos familiares y amigos. La trama es inquietante y los personajes están muy bien desarrollados, para el final del libro conocemos lo que les mueve y lo que les aterra. Ninguno de ellos es perfecto, los celos, la violencia, el odio, la culpa y la obsesión forman parte de sus vidas.

Las referencias de la autora a Galicia y al arte inspirado por Celeste Garrido hacen la novela muy interesante. Este libro me atrapó y no pude dejar de leerlo hasta llegar a un desenlace triste, como no podía ser de otra manera en una historia así.

Lo recomiendo para lectores a los que les guste ahondar en la naturaleza humana o en este caso inhumana de las personas.