Monday, 30 May 2016

Kuala Lumpur Historical Landmarks

I never get tired of visiting the Malaysian capital. Whenever I go , I devote at least one morning to revisiting its historical landmarks. These are the pictures of the last time I was there.

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Zero Day by Jan Gangsei : review

Zero Day
This is a fast-paced YA thriller which I read in no time. There are many thought-provoking layers in the plot : Stockholm syndrome,cyber espionage and security, civil rights , family bonds, living with guilt and coping with loss .The characters are appealing and well developed; Jan Gangsei makes it easy to understand them and their feelings .

I found the book too short , though. I wanted to know much more about the characters and their background . I wanted such a good plot to be developed further.

I would definitely read a sequel if available.