Saturday, 31 December 2016
Wednesday, 28 December 2016
Saturday, 24 December 2016
Friday, 23 December 2016
This is Our Story by Ashley Elson : opinion.

This is one of the best teenage murder stories I have ever read. The characters are appealing, the plot is interesting and you won't find out who the murderer is until the end.
If you read the acknowledgements section before you read the book, you'll enjoy it much more. You'll see when ,why ,who the idea originated with and what a thorough research the author did to write the novel. Ashley Elson even got in touch with an Assistant District Attorney to get all the details about court procedures right.This is Our Story is a novel with no loose ends, everything makes perfect sense.
I strongly recommend it to fans of YA literature and murder stories.
Sunday, 18 December 2016
My opinion on Westworld with emojis.
πGive the characters some robes, please!
πI wish William hadn't turned into a πΏ
π Teddy is the best cowboy ever!
π I knew from the very beginning it was going to end that way
π The next season could be either violent or too violent , I don't see any other possibilities.
Incorporated TV Show
This relatively new sci-fy TV show looks very promising. If you like dystopia , you'll like it.
Wednesday, 14 December 2016
Klungkung Parace in Bali
This palace, also known as Puri Agung Semarapura is a historical complex which was built at the end of the 17th century . Unfortunately most of it was destroyed during the Dutch colonial conquest, but what remains is one of the most beautiful sights we saw in Bali. The surroundings of the temples are beautiful and the ornate ceilings are a must see.
Sunday, 11 December 2016
The Chemist by Stephenie Meyer: review.

As soon as I started reading the novel it reminded me of the script for an action film. I don't know whether the author had that in mind or not. Unlike many readers I liked the beginning of the book, I found it interesting.
Stephenie Meyer was trying a new genre and it was working UNTIL I got to the part in which the main character tortures another character. I just couldn't go on reading. That incredibly vivid description of the process put me off continuing with the novel.
Saturday, 3 December 2016
The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon: review.

Wonderful , moving , gripping, you are going to enjoy every chapter it even if you don't like what's going on. The best insta-love ever!.
Nicola Yoon shows an incredible passion for life and a deep understanding of the effects of all our big and small decisions. I just couldn't put the book down.
If you liked Everything Everything you are going to love this novel.
P.S: if you've read it and feel like going to a Noaebang read these tips
Sunday, 27 November 2016
No More Lost in Translation: Megahonyaku
They are trying this translating megaphone for the Olympic Games in Japan. It seems to work!
Don't Stop Fidgeting: Fidget Cube for Buble Wrap Lovers
If you are one of those people who just cannot stop fidgeting and your fidgeting annoys people around you , this may be the solution to calm your urges discretely. It sounds crazy , but it may work.
Sunday, 20 November 2016
A Million Worlds with You by Claudia Gray : review.

However, this third book has disappointed me . There are so many Marguerites (not Margaritas), so many worlds, so much running around that I almost DNF-ed it.They keep repeating the same explanations over and over again ;Marguerite's and Paul's love affair seems to be getting nowhere and even the bad guys make little sense.
To make matters worse there is a part in which Marguerite (not Margarita) kisses passionately a Catholic priest. I felt like a needed a huge Margarita (not Marguerite) after such a bizarre moment, even if he was Paul .
Thursday, 10 November 2016
Black Flowers White Lies by Yvonne Ventresca : opinion .

This is a book for young teenage readers and cat lovers, it is nicely written and has some surprises and some clichΓ©s as well . The main character is too forgiving in some parts of the book , which I found difficult to believe , nevertheless, it is an easy read for Halloween which won't spook you too much .
On the website of the author Yvonne Ventresca there are some useful tips for young writers.
Wednesday, 9 November 2016
Gunung Kawi in Bali
Gunung Kawi or Mount Kawi is one of the oldest monumental areas in Bali. It is worth the visit but be prepared for a walk. There are ten candi or shrines carved out on the rock face of the mountain. The surroundings are nice with rivers and lush vegetation.
Sunday, 6 November 2016
Premio Planeta 2016 : Todo esto te darΓ© de Dolores Redondo

Aun no siendo mi premio literario favorito por lo exageradamente comercial, todos los aΓ±os presto especial atenciΓ³n al conocido Premio Planeta. Este aΓ±o el galardΓ³n ha recaΓdo en la autora Dolores Redondo, muy conocida por su TrilogΓa del BaztΓ‘n, que tengo que confesar no he leΓdo. Por lo tanto este es mi primer libro de la autora y puede que no sea el ΓΊltimo.
No he estado nunca en Galicia y es el escenario en el que sucede la trama principal de la novela, pero estoy deseando ir tras leer las detalladas descripciones de Dolores Redondo sobre sus verdes, los imponentes pazos , las gardenias y por supuesto la gastronomΓa.
La vΓctima de un accidente de coche muere en las carreteras de esta provincia, dejando a su madrileΓ±o novio en un estado de desconcierto , tristeza y estupefacciΓ³n que le lleva a dirigirse rΓ‘pidamente a la zona para intentar entender lo sucedido.
Manuel y Γlvaro llevaban varios aΓ±os casados en casi perfecta armonΓa al menos para Manuel que ni por asomo podΓa sospechar la doble vida que llevaba su pareja. Al fin y al cabo Γ©l era el escritor de Γ©xito que habΓa superado una infancia difΓcil y Γlvaro era el consagrado empresario sin ningΓΊn problema aparente.
En EspaΓ±a y a pesar de los tiempos y de la aparente tolerancia hacia los matrimonios gays, todavΓa hay muchas personas a las que les cuesta asimilar esta situaciΓ³n. La familia de Γlvaro es de esas familias para las que es preferible despreciar a un hijo a aceptar su condiciΓ³n y por lo tanto apenas se relacionaban. Γlvaro mantenΓa en secreto esa parte de su vida .
Esta situaciΓ³n en la que un miembro de una pareja es totalmente ajeno a la vida paralela del otro ha aparecido en infinidad de novelas y guiones anteriormente. Sin embargo, en mi opiniΓ³n el hecho de que la autora haya elegido a un matrimonio gay da un punto de vista ligeramente diferente por las implicaciones culturales y hace que la idea sea menos trillada.
Varios capΓtulos de la novela nos dan una visiΓ³n de cΓ³mo era la vida en pareja de Manuel y Γlvaro , de cΓ³mo se enamoraron y de algunos momentos en los que Manuel podrΓa haber sospechado algo pero simplemente la felicidad de tener a su pareja a su lado eclipsaba cualquier duda. Eso explica tambiΓ©n el gran desengaΓ±o que se lleva el protagonista al descubrir lo mucho que ignoraba.
Un descubrimiento forense hace que la trama del accidente de un vuelco y Manuel, junto con la ayuda de un policΓa retirado y una forense, decide quedarse en esa exuberante tierra para esclarecer la parte de la vida de Γlvaro que desconocΓa, enfrentΓ‘ndose a una familia polΓtica hostil y a un ambiente de caciquismo que recuerda a tiempos peores.
Esta novela ha sido sin duda el mejor Premio Planeta que he leΓdo en aΓ±os. No es perfecta , pero si interesante y sin duda la recomiendo a gallegos que aΓ±oren su tierra (hay deliciosas menciones a suculentos platos de la zona) y a lectores que quieran sumergirse en un entretenido misterio en la EspaΓ±a del siglo XXI, moderna en muchos aspectos pero no tanto en otros.
Saturday, 5 November 2016
Sunday, 30 October 2016
Replica by Lauren Oliver : review.

I don't like clones, I don't know why they scare me, besides they are mainly short-lived creatures with no brains , at least until Lauren Oliver decided to write a book ( I mean two books) about them . I was hesitant, doubtful , reluctant , I didn't want to read it but I had to give it a try , it was Lauren Oliver after all. My fears were unfounded, the novels are good at the beginning and they gradually get better. I even liked the clones!. The fact that the main characters were into each other quickly didn't disappoint me , I understood that they really needed to find someone to rely on and to love , their loneliness was unbearable.
However, like many other readers I thought the book was a stand alone novel and I was utterly surprised when it ended.
I would recommend this book to YA readers, but younger fans should take into account that the topics the author deals with are not pleasant and I must confess I skipped a page or two because of a vivid and extremely sad description I am not going to reveal here. I also recommend reading the novel alternating the chapters, it's much more interesting that way, I wouldn't say fun , because it is not a fun read ,it is thought-provoking and gripping but not fun.
Thursday, 27 October 2016
Pura Besakih in Bali
This beautiful place is on the slopes of Mount Augung in eastern Bali. We were lucky to visit it on a wonderful sunny day and thoroughly enjoyed this Hindu temple.
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